Guidelines for Electronics Scrap
size will be determined by contract between shipper and smelter or treatment facility. Panel Glass (minimal or lead free) for multiple uses includ- ing construction, sand blasting, art glass, etc. May or may not be cleaned prior to shipment. Particle size will be deter- mined by contract between shipper and receiving facility. Clean Panel Glass with metal oxide concentrations of less than 5 ppm, free of coatings. Electronics Scrap Plastics Applicable to all Specs: • All specifications are subject to final terms and conditions as agreed to between the buyer and the seller • Plastic should not contain hazardous materials, medical waste or free-flowing liquid • Contamination includes: painted/coated; laminated; met- als; dirt; and wood Baled Light Colored CRT Monitor Plastic • From disassembled light colored (white, beige) CRT com- puter monitors • 36,000 +/- pounds per 40 ft. HC or tractor trailer • Maximum Contamination < or = 2.0% by weight Baled Dark Colored CRT Monitor Plastic • From disassembled dark (black, dark grey) colored CRT monitors • 36,000 +/- pounds per 40 ft. HC or tractor trailer • Maximum Contamination < or = 2.0% by weight Baled Dark Colored Flat Panel Monitor Plastic • From disassembled dark (black, dark grey) colored LED and LCD monitors • 36,000 +/- pounds per 40 ft. HC or tractor trailer • Maximum Contamination < or = 2.0% by weight Baled Dark Colored Printer Plastic • From disassembled dark (black, dark grey) colored print- ers • 36,000 +/- pounds per 40 ft. HC or tractor trailer • Maximum Contamination < or = 2.0% by weight Baled Light Colored Printer Plastic • From disassembled light (white, beige) colored printers • 36,000 +/- pounds per 40 ft. HC or tractor trailer • Maximum Contamination < or = 2.0% by weight Baled Dark Colored Mixed Electronics Plastic • From disassembled dark (black, dark grey) mixed electron- ics equipment • 36,000 +/- pounds per 40 ft. HC or tractor trailer • Maximum Contamination < or = 2.0% by weight Baled Specs: Baled CRT TV Plastic • From disassembled CRT TVs • 36,000 +/- pounds per 40 ft. HC or tractor trailer • Maximum Contamination < or = 2.0% by weight
Baled Light Colored Copier Plastic • From disassembled light (white, beige) colored copiers • 36,000 +/- pounds per 40 ft. HC or tractor trailer • Maximum Contamination < or = 2.0% by weight Baled Dark Colored Copier Plastic • From disassembled dark (black, dark grey) colored copiers • 36,000 +/- pounds per 40 ft. HC or tractor trailer • Maximum Contamination < or = 2.0% by weight Baled Light Colored Mixed Electronics Plastic • From disassembled light colored (white, beige) electronics equipment • 36,000 +/- pounds per 40 ft. HC or tractor trailer • Maximum Contamination < or = 2.0% by weight Baled Mixed Color Electronics Plastic • From disassembled mixed (all colors) colored electronics equipment • 36,000 +/- pounds per 40 ft. HC or tractor trailer • Maximum Contamination < or = 2.0% by weight Shredded Light Colored CRT Monitor Plastic • From shredded or disassembled light (white, beige) col- ored monitors • 36,000 +/- pounds per 40 ft. HC or tractor trailer • Maximum Contamination < or = 2.0% by weight Shredded Dark CRT Monitor Plastic • From shredded or disassembled dark (black, dark grey) colored monitors • 36,000 +/- pounds per 40 ft. HC or tractor trailer • Maximum Contamination < or = 2.0% by weight Shredded Dark Electronics Plastic • From shredded or disassembled dark (black, dark grey) colored electronics equipment • 36,000 +/- pounds per 40 ft. HC or tractor trailer • Maximum Contamination < or = 2.0% by weight Shredded Light Electronics Plastic • From shredded or disassembled light (white, beige) col- ored electronics equipment • 36,000 +/- pounds per 40 ft. HC or tractor trailer • Maximum Contamination < or = 2.0% by weight Shredded Mixed Color Electronics Plastic • From shredded or disassembled mixed (all colors) colored electronics equipment • 36,000 +/- pounds per 40 ft. HC or tractor trailer • Maximum Contamination < or = 2.0% by weight Shredded Specs: Shredded CRT TV Plastic • From shredded or disassembled TVs • 36,000 +/- pounds per 40 ft. HC or tractor trailer • Maximum Contamination < or = 2.0% by weight
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